This is a video of one of Phil's runs on the 350 triumph. As you can see the weather was fine and we both had a great weekend. Both Mark and Grommet came to help us for the weekend, and we also met Ted there who also stayed for the whole weekend.
This is Phil's write up of his weekend.
"I did a bit of work on fuel flow before we left and fitted a chain-guard and kill switch in preparation for the sand. There was no one there to challenge the records I set last year, so I entered in a different class, "modified Classic Fuel 350" and set a new record of 88.4mph on the first run and couldn't beat it all day!
Sunday saw the one mile course set out and I set a new record at 99.806mph on my first run. I tried all day to beat that by removing baffles, re-jetting etc to no avail. On the start line for my last run of the day I was told we were now doing the one mile plus the mile and a half run. Set of and managed to miss third gear so crossed the mile marker at 99.132mph. I tucked right in for the last half mile and crossed the line and then promptly ran out of fuel! Before starting the run Miki advised me not to add any extra fuel for the last run in an attempt to run as light as possible. He had no idea, however, that we had moved on to the mile and a half run! I was a bit annoyed at having to be towed back to the pits but that soon changed when Miki and Ted told me I had crossed the line at 100.483mph, a new record and the elusive ton!"
I took the BAT outfit to Pendine and did the first two runs on Saturday with one exhaust header coming off on both runs. I managed to set a record of 94mph. On the third run I suffered from engine failure and that was my weekend of competition over. I stayed to help Phil and had a great rest of the weekend anyway. It turned out that the BAT had snapped a cam follower which caused quite a bit of work back in the workshop! This is a photo of the record I set last year on the 500 daytona.